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πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« Solution Recordings, Formula Sheet, and General Information

Solution Recordings

Reviewing problem set solutions soon after the due date is a great way to reinforce concepts and learn from your mistakes. When time permits, we review complete problem set solutions in the week after the due date. After the midterm, we also review its solutions to help you prepare for the final exam.

To Find a Solution Recording for a Specific Problem Set or the Midterm

  1. Note the date and time when we reviewed the solutions. You can find the date and time in the list, below.
  2. Open the recording for the relevant day. You can find recordings in the Zoom section of Canvas by clicking the β€œPublished Recordings” button.
  3. To find the relevant place in the recording, you can cross-reference the start times with the clock that is typically in the lower right-hand corner of my screen. Alternatively, you can just scan through the recording to find when the problem set or midterm was visible on the screen.

Dates and times when we reviewed solutions

We reviewed solutions to:

Formula Sheet

Throughout the semester, I also build up a formula sheet that you are welcome to use during the exams. It can be found on my OneDrive file share:

I provide two versions of the formula sheet.

  1. The simple formula sheet uses nicely typeset formulas, which are easy to read.
  2. The text-based formula sheet uses text-based formulas that can be easily typed into Canvas or a spreadsheet. Some people find text formulas to be significantly faster on exams and homework than the typeset formulas, because you don’t have to open the equation editor. Therefore, I suggest you seriously consider using text formulas when doing the problem sets. You can read more about this option here. If you do decide to go with text formulas, use the text-based formula sheet rather than the simple formula sheet.

General Information

The following topics were covered during the first section and are included with material from the first week’s lecture:

Finally, don’t forget to read the 🧭 Getting Oriented & Finding Things page. Investing the time now will help you find things later!