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🧭 Final Exam Study Guide

My Email: (reach out about anything!)
Direct link to this page:
Condensed slides and Formula Sheet:
How to navigate this website: 🧭 Getting Oriented

Using this Study Guide

This page includes exam information, study tips, tips on how to use this website, and links to various study resources.

During the review session, I give a guided tour of this site, but you can also just look through and use what you find most helpful.

The exam will be cumulative, but Bruce hasn’t written it yet. It will be weighted toward material presented since the midterm.

Remember: This study guide is a work in progress and is just a companion to the review session I give during the last class meeting. You are responsible for everything covered during Bruce’s class meetings.

Exam Logistics

Important Information can be found in your syllabus. Here is the information for Spring 2024:

  • The final will be available on Canvas starting at 8:10 PM (EST) on Tuesday, May 7. Students will have a 24-hour window, from 8:10 PM (EST) on Tuesday, May 7 to 8:10 PM (EST) on Wednesday, May 8, in which to complete the exam. The exam is two hours long, and, once begun, must be taken in one sitting. It cannot be partially finished, then saved, then completed later.

  • The final will be cumulative, and cover all the material presented in lectures, from the first lecture on Jan. 23 to the last lecture on April 23. However, it will be heavily weighted toward material presented since the midterm.

The exam has not been written and I haven’t seen a draft. It will almost certainly be very similar to the midterm:

  • β€œBite-sized” multiple choice questions that test critical thinking.
  • Last year’s exam had 55 questions spread over 120 minutes (plus a 10% allowance for technical issues). Bruce has confirmed that this year’s final will have no more questions than this.
  • While the exam is officially open book, you should study as if it is closed book because critical thinking questions require you to have the relevant information at your fingertips in order to draw connections. Also, for the calculation questions, you won’t have time to look things up.

Section logistics: The remaining sections prior to the exam will follow the updated schedule:

  • The main final exam review will be posted in the Class Recordings section of Canvas and in Zoom.
  • Sat, 5/4: 12:30-2:30pm ET
  • Sun, 5/5: 3-5pm ET

2700 Test prep time management

Bruce deliberately doesn’t tell you what is on the exam, because he wants you to know all of it. He considers any slide that he covers to be β€œfair game” on the exam. With that said, he does seem less interested in testing individual facts and figures on the exam. Perhaps slightly over half of the problems cover calculations, with the remainder focusing on concepts, much like on the homework.

The best indication of exam questions are the midterm and homework questions, but with some caveats:

  1. You’ve already done the homework and studied, so it will be far easier when you take the exam.
  2. His exams are carefully constructed so that you will have plenty of time if you are well prepared. To be well prepared, you should be able to do the problem set problems fairly rapidly.

πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈMaster the skills and understand the concepts and you’ll be good to go. With Rob’s help. Use Rob’s website, too!

1/4 Review/Foundation

  • Review equation sheet and practice with it.
  • Slide review: can you explain the slides? There are some helpful examples in the slides (they often come in pairs, but he only does the first one).
  • If you are stuck, the textbook can be helpful.

1/2 Practice

  • Problem sets are also reposted for practice. Be sure to use the equation sheet as you do these practice problems. Work through them as if you were taking a test, start to finish, trying to get every single possible point. Perhaps take notes on the questions you struggled with and return to those ones later.

1/4 Shore up weaknesses

  • Reach out to me with any questions you may have.
  • If you are reviewing homework and are confused by a question, email and I will cover it in the next section. (For example: β€œPlease review PS 3, Q5. I didn’t get how Cost of Equity Capital was computed”)

Formula Sheet

I’ve made a formula sheet. Practice using it as you do practice problems! Here is the link:

Problem Set Solutions

When time permits, we review solutions in the week after the due date. Dates and timestamps when we reviewed problem sets can be found on the following page of this site: πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« Solution Recordings, Formula Sheet, and More

How to use this Study Guide

The page you are reading is one many pages in this study guide. To see how to read the other pages, please watch my review session during the last class meeting.

Alternatively, you can just review the Getting Oriented page on this site.

β†– Please take a moment to explore some of the helpful links to the left! You can always get back to this site by bookmarking the following link:

Exam anxiety

During the actual exam, keep your head down, keep moving forward, no matter what, and you’ll be fine.

  • When necessary, just draw your attention back to the problem on the screen.
  • If you get behind time-wise, consider making your best guess and moving on to the next question.
  • Keep an eye on the clock, but try not to focus too much on it.
  • Rinse and repeat until the clock runs out. One foot in front the other!